Permanent Orienteering Courses

Punching a control

Punching a control

AYROC has in conjunction with local country parks established two Permanent Orienteering Courses at Dean Castle Country Park and Eglinton Country Park 

A Permanent Orienteering Course is a perfect way for getting active, enjoying the scenery and green spaces with your family, or as a chance to get outdoors for a competitive time trial.

Both the new Dean Castle Country Park and Eglinton Country Park courses are now available and you can download  the Permanent Orienteering Courses below.  Your challenge is to discover checkpoints in the form of posts or plaques, in the parks . Orienteering offers a combination of physical and mental exercise which is like  no other, and you can find, navigate and complete courses at any time, and at your own pace. You just need to download a map to get you started!

10th Sep 21

Maps and instruction sheets are free to download here:

Eglinton Country Park-Go Orienteering

Dean Castle Country Park-Go Orienteering

The site requires your name and email address (to send the maps to) but no other personal details.

More information about permanent courses is available on the British Orienteering website

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